Tuesday 13 October 2015

Faith & Experience

There I am again, amazed at this life. 
Chances, games and rolling dice.. 
So it seems.
Someone bigger is planning all this.
He is pleased with someone 
Why don’t I understand 
It’s almost, He favours his faith and belief 
To a point that I’m told accept his terms or move on
There will be something for you but probably not as good as this 
Then the answer came. 
He keeps my home clean… 
But what about me 

Your learning perhaps will be better for you as well 

Sunday 23 August 2015


Global recession they say yet so much wealth around the world for everybody to live a comfortable life and still have surplus.

How ? one might ask.  Remove all barriers of any kind in this world. Whether restriction on movement of goods, wealth, commodities and most importantly, PEOPLE. Remove the disease of nationality and ethnicities from everywhere. There is no crap like having a privileged birth because of where one is born, or the family he/she belongs to, or the class.

People, capital, technology and commodities would move to the part of world which is more efficient in producing growth, ultimately causing scarcity of land and resources, thereby increasing the cost in those places, then people and resources would move to another part of the world wherever the situation is more attractive and thus the development continues and resources move to wherever development takes place. If any part of the world is efficient in managing growth and allow the residents of that land to prosper, let that management expand and gain more land and resources, without worrying about breaching these artificial boundaries. Whichever system expands works better, the world will reward it with more resources and people and hence allow it to expand.

At least,  then we won't have inefficient Governments wasting precious resources and destroying the lives of its people.

We have to get rid of these nuisances of passports, race, culture and class, that segregates different people needlessly. Our heritage belongs to nobody but to the annals of the Human legacy as citizens of this planet and nothing more.

Precious life is lost and environments destroyed, because one country feels they are completely isolated from any repercussions resulting from their actions. This is the most naive part of this system where world is divided into countries and borders.

If our history divides us giving a false perception of achievement at the cost of lives, what good is any achievement. We are one race, live in the same world, all our futures are intertwined, we all need to work together regardless so what is all the killing, composition or superfluous notions of superiority all about. People are creatures of habit that form cultures and mindsets, with an open and free world, the true human potential and spirit would be unleashed and bring in a new era of peace, prosperity and growth for everyone.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Unknown Thoughts

Letting my heart speak
Inside that exists
Vast plains of thoughts
Love passion shying away
Hidden from the world
Stranger than the unknown..